First of all, in digital marketing, before advertising, the behavior of consumers and what these behaviors affect your advertisement? ; I need to examine this.

What are Google solutions in the digital market? How do you reach users on Google and ensure that your ad is effective?

With the development of mobile, it is now very easy to be online. We are not online. We live officially online. It is very easy to reach people through advertising agencies and social media.

First of all, you need to work with a professional team if you do not have any knowledge on this subject .

It would be hard to believe if it was said years ago that we would have high-speed Internet devices in our pocket. But right now, even if we need a taxi, we can call a taxi, order food, and easily access a site we want using our mobile phone.

The rapid response of mobile phones to our requests changes consumer behavior. In fact, at first, we cannot understand that mobile devices are our assistant in our lives without realizing it.

In the research, they ask how far you are away from your smartphones. If we assume that people check their smartphones 150 times a day, it means; It’s not even sincere that we stay away from our smart assistant.

When we look at it, our smartphones have become our hands.

Again, looking at the research, there is a 72% rate of smartphone use in the world.

What is changing in the tourism and accommodation sector from year to year?

As of 2016, searches in the accommodation sector have increased by 39% on mobile. When looking at the searches on desktop devices, it decreased by 12%. As you can see, our behavior has started to shift a little more to mobile.

What is Resclick Digital marketing? Before you start advertising , your advertisements are started after you clean the errors on your sites and optimize your site so that the infrastructure of your product’s websites can be used in the best way both on mobile and Desktop computers.

After doing the above steps, you will understand the Resclick Digital Marketing Effect .

You; If you consider your own experience individually, how many minutes would you spend on a site that was not opened for 10-12 seconds?

Generally, people decide to shop on that site or not and leave the site. It is very important for the end consumer to debug mobile sites and to make that site fast.

When you look at the cake in mobile ads, it stands out as Search ads, Mobile ads and Video ads. A large part of the cake has begun to create mobile and video ads.

When we look at accommodation searches, it has increased 65% in Mobile. There may be many reasons for this. Advertisements may be viewed more than mobile, consumer behavior may shift to mobile.

As a matter of fact, showing the right ad to the people in the channels you reach in the advertisements and reaching the right person will bring the quality of the ad to the fore.

The keywords you use, the user segment you have chosen, the pixel and quality management of the banners used in the advertisements all show the professionalism of the given ad. And it is very important that the advertisements are in the eyes of the other party.

Research is generally the first in the accommodation sector. First, people convince themselves by examining the business firstly online. After they are convinced, they visit that website several times to review comments and satisfaction. Afterwards, the acquisition process takes place.

In social media, generally, sharing takes place after experiences. Many things you like or do not like can be shared in a hotel where you stay. In this, however you have experienced, your posts inspire new people to come.

In accommodation, 66% of videos are watched about that business.

The water that is asked online is increasing day by day.

For example; Where is my destination? Where is it close? Is it easy to reach the centers? All of these questions are examined on online platforms.

 Research of Resclick Digital Market

The rise of the search rates of ads on mobile devices.

It increased by 39% in the accommodation sector.

It showed a 72% increase in the food and beverage sector.

It showed a 68% increase in the purchase of clothes.

The electronics sector has increased by 82%.

Watching videos about the product increased by 66%.

Youtube mobile video viewing increased by 67%. 

First of all, conversion rates on mobile calls increased by 11%.

This means; Big changes are observed in purchasing rates by returning to a quality advertisement entered on mobile devices.

You are in reliable hands with Resclick Digital Marketing for your trouble-free solutions .

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